The OTiS Award

A New Challenge

We wanted to help provide our members with a fun goal to give structure and motivation to each season. We were inspired by the Rudy Award but wanted something a little less hard core. The club already had a bunch of fun, free events so the list has been expanded to help in creating this special challenge.

How to Earn The OTiS

  • Make sure NOW that your race calendar includes the necessary number of events.
  • Complete one event in each of these 7 sports: swimming, biking, running, duathlon, aquathon, triathlon, pent/quadathlon.
  • Any organized event counts including free OTC ones or those you pay registration fees for.
  • The free OTC events allow you to save on entry fees but still have the excitement and achievement of race day. They're also short in duration and won't otherwise affect any other training goals.
  • All you have to do is track your events at our online OTiS tracker and then contact us at season's end to confirm you achieved the goal.
  • The awards will be presented with much pomp and circumstance at our annual Christmas party.

Trophy, Trinket, Tattoo?

Beyond the obvious status involved (!) we had all kinds of ideas as to how to reward those that earned The OTiS. We came back to something we knew you might actually like and make some use of: a stylish and much-revered OTiS Finisher's Shirt.

About The Name

Originally it was 'The OTiÇ', created from our club name. That little accent makes the 'C' soft so it's pronounced like an 'SSSS'. Then we made two realizations: a) we didn't want to have to explain that accent every time we used the word and, b) the list of events involved numbered 7 and seven starts with an 'S'. Voila: The OTiS is born! PS We decided to go with the lower case 'i' because we think it makes the name look more edgy.

Questions? Please ask them on the message board so all can share in the answer.